Saltbush ~ Whole leaf dried and ground. 50g

By Warndu
Saltbush, dried and ground ready to season all your savoury goodies. Like all of the things.

Note: there are many different species of saltbush. We tend to use old man saltbush the most.

If you tell any farmers over the age of 60 that saltbush is now a bit of a delicacy, they would laugh in your face. A bit like the lamb shank, which was once fed to the farm dogs but is now one of the priciest cuts in the butcher’s shop, saltbush was only eaten by the sheep. Alas, it should be eaten by us all – it is wonderful.

A huge number of seeds come from the flowering after spring and autumn and they are like little salty popcorn kernels, but were also ground and mixed with water to make dough cooked in coals.

We have loads on our farm, as I walk around I just pick it and nibble on it. A bit like the sheep.

Learn more about Saltbush.
Common Name: Saltbush
Scientific or Latin Name: Atriplex spp.
Comparison: Salty and a crunchy seed
Seasonality: All year fresh
Region: Arid

Warndu means good in the Adnyamathanha language. Our mission is to REGENERATE culture, community, tradition, health and our soils. Every product we make includes one or more Australian Native ingredients.

Warndu products are all made in Australia from 100% locally sourced, seasonal and wild harvested produce.

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