White Kunzea Flower Dried Leaf

By Warndu
$24.95 Sold Out

This is such an elegant, floral beauty. We love to use it in everything.

Stunning honey-like fragrant leaf with hints of eucalyptus and citrus. A wonderful addition to sweets, broths, teas and cocktails.

Learn more about White Kunzea Flower.
Common Name: White Kunzea Flower
Scientific or Latin Name: Kunzea ambigua
Comparison: Citrus
Seasonality: Fresh - Spring. All year - Dried.
Region: Eastern Australia

Warndu means good in the Adnyamathanha language. Our mission is to REGENERATE culture, community, tradition, health and our soils. Every product we make includes one or more Australian Native ingredients.

Warndu products are all made in Australia from 100% locally sourced, seasonal and wild harvested produce.


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