Bruno Munari

By Edizioni Corraini

In this title, Aldo Tanchis attempts to draw together a singular Bruno Munari from the three classic distinctions of artist, designer and pedagogist. From his first artistic experiments to the works that made him famous all over the world, this volume collects and recounts Munari's work, his relations with the artistic trends of his times, his attention to the world of children and didactics, the peculiarities that made him an always original figure.Tanchis, a researcher, writer and screenwriter, starts from the artist as a child, from his life in the Venetian countryside, an enormous reservoir of natural suggestions that would always animate all his production, and recounts his artistic production as an activity at the service of life and closely connected to it. Aldo Tanchis thus presents in these pages Munari's 'world', a system always in dynamic balance between pairs of opposites and complementaries.


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